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Capoeira Music - Era um tal de Besouro Manganga


Certo dia numa Roda

um muleque me chamou pra jogar

eu que sou desconfiado

fiquei logo de lado à reparar

o que estava escrito na camisa

Era um tal de Besouro Manganga

English Translation

On a certain day of a roda

A young guy called me to play

And because I wasn't trusting

I stayed right away at the side to watch

What was written on his t-shirt

It a name for Besouro Manganga

The t-shirt suggests that the "upstart" kid was a student of Besouro Manganga, a famous capoeirista from Santo Amaro. This would suggest that he was very dangerous in the Roda, and you wouldn't want to enter into a game with him blind, but rather watch him play and be prepared. You might sing this when a kid that plays well calls an older Capoeirista to play.


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