Capoeira Music - Paranauê
Paranauê - Letras
Paranauê! Paranuê, Paraná
Vou dizer minha mulher, Paraná
Capoeira me venceu, Paraná
Vou me embora pra favela, Paraná
Como já disse que vou, Paraná
E desvera que o morro, Paraná
Se mudou para cidade, Paraná
Vou me embora dessa terra, Paraná
Como já disse que vou, Paraná
Eu aqui não sou querido, Paraná
Mas na minha terra eu sou, Paraná
Cantando com alegria, Paraná
Mocidade estimada, Paraná
O enfeite de uma mesa, Paraná
É um garfo e uma colher, Paraná
O enfeite de uma cama, Paraná
É um homem e uma mulher, Paraná
Mulher pra ser bonita, Paraná
Não precisa se pintar, Paraná
English Translation
I will tell my wife
That Capoeira defeated me
I'm going to the favela
Like I already said I would
I will look out from the hill
-And move to the city
I'm leaving this land
Like I already said I would
Here I am not loved
But in my land I am
Singing with joy
Youth is esteemed
The decoration of the table
Is a fork and a spoon
To decorate a bed
You need a man and a woman
For a woman to be beautiful
She does not need to paint herself
The river Parana is a large riger in south America that runs through Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Duringteh Paraguayan war of 1864-1870 many Brazilian slaves were sent to fight in the war. They were told that if they survived they would be granted their freedom. The return journey to Brazil was along teh Parana river, and the slaves would sing in victory. Many credited their knowledge of Capoeira for their survival.